Natural cataracts healing without surgery

Natural cataracts healing without surgery
Surgery is the most common way to deal with severe cataracts. However, there are actually some powerful natural cataract drugs to reduce the symptoms, especially for the early phase of the emergence of cataracts. 

natural cataracts healing without surgery

Cataract is eye disease characterized by a fog or cloudy lens that makes vision not function properly. Severe conditions of cataract can cause blindness and permanent vision defects. 

For that prevention should be done as early as possible in order to avoid the danger of cataracts. Although some cases of cataracts occur due to the aging process, it never hurts to start keeping eye health since young so as not to have to experience it when was old. 

Using safe herbal ingredients for natural cataract medicines as well as applying a healthy lifestyle may be an option to avoid future surgery. 

Do you really need cataract medicine? 

The appearance of opacity or fog in the eyepiece will make the sufferer difficult to see clearly and focus, the vision will be blurred, it is difficult to see the night, the appearance of the light at the sight, and the errors of color perception. This condition usually occurs gradually, if left untreated it can seriously interfere with vision. 

Read more: Identify the characteristics and symptoms of cataract eye from the beginning 

An estimated 20 million cases of blindness worldwide are caused by cataracts. The main cause of cataracts is the process of aging, but there are other factors that can also be the trigger. Factors that trigger cataracts include: smoking, diabetes, alcohol consumption, frequent direct exposure to sunlight, genetic factors, trauma, vitamin deficiency. 

Currently cataract surgery is a very popular solution to cure cataracts, but this way can usually only reach people in the city. Therefore, various herbal and natural treatments have been developed throughout history to reduce or stop cataracts. 

(!) Principles of natural cataract medicine: foods containing vitamins and antioxidants have been shown to have a major effect on cataract recovery. 

Natural cataract medicine around you 

If not possible for surgery, cataracts can also be treated with natural remedies. Although this natural treatment is aimed at preventing or reducing the severity of symptoms. So do not eliminate the opaque lens that already occurred. 

Some natural ingredients for the treatment of cataracts include: 

  • Bilberry 
  • Banana
  • heat Grass 
  • Honey 
  • Almonds 
  • Carrots 
  • Ginger and lemon 
  • Ginseng
  • Green tea 
  • Papaya 
A full description of the benefits and how to use it as follows: 

1. Bilberry 

This blue fruit is famous for its powerful antioxidant content, that's why it included in the list of natural cataract drugs. With age, oxidative stress in various parts of the body, including the eyes, can weaken this area and make it more susceptible to damage. 

Antioxidants in bilberry can prevent damage from free radicals and protect the function of eyesight as a whole. 

2. Bananas 

To cope with cataracts, one of the most important antioxidants that should be added to your diet is lutein. This enzyme is commonly found in yellow and orange fruits and vegetables. Lutein in bananas has a direct impact on the formation and thickness of cataracts. 

Antioxidants in bananas are proven to improve eye health and slow the formation of eye lens mist that can cause cataracts. 

3. Wheat or Wheat Grass 

Recent research has found the efficacy of wheat grass in reducing the symptoms of cataracts. This is what makes this one plant become more popular as a cure for natural cataracts. 

Wheat grass has long been known to contain complete nutrients that are good for health, high content of phytonutrients and antioxidants are considered able to help reduce and even treat the symptoms of cataracts. 

4. Honey 

One of the most nutrient-rich substances available in nature for us is honey. Honey has been widely used for the healing of various diseases over the years. Although using honey in the eyes may still be rarely known, but apparently using pure honey and dripping a little into the eye will make the nutrients and antioxidants work directly on the eyes. 

5. Almond Nuts 

For several generations, almonds have been used as a traditional medicine to treat vision problems. You can soak almonds overnight and then consume them in the morning for best results. 

Almonds are a source of omega-3 fatty acids rich in powerful organic compounds that can improve health and prevent inflammation in the body, which can reduce the development of cataracts.

6. Carrots 

Carrots are one of the most famous foods for eye health. The orange color of this vegetable is a strong indicator of the type of antioxidants it contains. In carrots contain lutein is one of the powerful compounds to improve eye health. 

As carotenoids, lutein is able to reduce oxidative processes in the eye and prevent the formation of plaque or protein precipitation. Carrots can also help slow the onset of macular degeneration and maintain overall eye health. 

7. Green Tea Like 

the natural ingredients before, green tea is rich in antioxidants that can be used as a natural cataract medicine. The many phytonutrients present in green tea are very effective in slowing the development of cataracts. This substance works to neutralize free radicals and slow oxidative stress in the eyes, thereof the consumption of green tea can keep your eyes young and well maintained for many years. 

8. Ginger and Lemon 

What many people do not realize is that cataracts can be overcome with various antioxidants found in foodstuffs that are quite common at home. One of them is the nutritional composition of ginger and lemon, this mixture is an ideal natural cataract medicine. 

You can give a mixture of ginger juice with a little lemon juice in your eyes to relieve symptoms of cataracts. Initial sensation may be unpleasant, but the savor is believed to help eliminate cataracts. 

9. Indian Ginseng / Ashwagandha 


This herbal ingredient is considered as a cure for various diseases in India. In addition, Indian ginseng is also used as a powerful natural cataract medicine. This is because the content of antioxidants and nutrients are complete. Several studies have shown that ginseng root powder extract of india can slow the development of cataracts and improve the health of vision in the long run. 

10. Papaya 

Some people may not realize that papaya has enormous benefits on human health, this is due to high papain concentration in papaya. Content of this papain enzyme that helps speed up the process of protein digestion. 

The fog on the cataract eye lens is formed due to the excess protein in the eye, thus adding papaya to the food very well to reduce the occurrence of cataracts. 

Without treatment, the development of severe cataracts can lead to blindness. If you experience early symptoms of cataracts should immediately consult with an ophthalmologist to check the severity. Natural treatment can be done as a preventive measure or treatment option for mild to moderate cataracts.