10 Ways to Increase Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension)

10 Ways to Increase Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension)
Unlike high blood which is often a frightening specter, low blood pressure is considered harmless. No wonder, if many people do not need to make any effort to raise the low blood pressure. 

But you know, a person can often experience dizziness and even faint unconscious when blood pressure is far below the normal value. Low blood pressure or hypotension is defined as low blood pressure less than 90 mmHg (systole) and / or less than 60 mmHg (diastole). 

Read: Differences in Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure 

But the above figures are not a benchmark for action. That is, low blood pressure does not need to be raised if it does not cause any problems or symptoms on the body. 

10 Ways to Increase Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension)

Another case when low blood pressure causes a number of symptoms that indicate that the organs of the body do not get enough blood supply. Some of the symptoms of hypotension include dizziness, dizzy eyes, headaches, difficulty concentrating, nausea, weakness, etc. coupled with the result of a low tension measurement as above. Read: Symptoms of Low Blood Pressure 

In such conditions, it is necessary to raise blood pressure before developing into shock, heart problems, and kidney failure. 

How to Increase Blood Pressure? 

Most people with low blood pressure do not need drugs or other medical interventions to increase blood pressure. There are many natural ways and lifestyle changes to increase low blood pressure, such as the following: 

1. Eat more salt 

It sounds contrary to the suggestion of a healthy diet in general, low-sodium (salt) diet is good for high blood, but not good for the low blood. The reason is, sodium has the interesting properties of fluid that will increase the volume in the blood vessels and increase the pressure. 

So, for those whose blood pressure is low, then a quick way to raise blood pressure is to increase moderate sodium intake. For example by eating salted fish, meatballs, soup, and others that tasted rather salty. 

2. Avoid alcoholic beverages 

Alcohol can lower blood pressure further, because of its disposal of fluids from the body. The lower the body fluids, the lower the blood pressure, so people who have low blood pressure should avoid alcoholic beverages. 

3. Discuss medicine with a doctor 

Low blood pressure may be due to side effects of drugs currently used. So look carefully, if the symptoms of low blood pressure begin after you take the medicine, then go back to the doctor to discuss this. 

4. Cross legs while sitting 

crossing legs while sitting proved to increase blood pressure. For people with high blood pressure, this can be a problem. Conversely, for people with symptoms of low blood pressure, crossing legs can help raise blood pressure. 

5. Drink plenty 

Drinking more water can help increase blood volume, when blood volume rises, then blood pressure rises. A lot of drinking can also help avoid dehydration which is one of the causes of low blood. 

Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day plus foods containing lots of fluids, such as various fruits and vegetables. You can also process it into juice or eaten fresh. 

6. Eat a little but often 

Eat small amounts, but more often throughout the day it can help raise blood pressure. The reason, eating at the same time a lot or eating heavy can cause a drop in blood pressure. 

7. Wear tight socks (compression stockings) 

Tight socks can help reduce the buildup of blood in the lower legs so as to divert them elsewhere. Thus, the overall blood pressure will rise due to blood delivery from the foot. 

On the other hand, compression stockings are also useful in reducing the pressure on the veins of the vein of the abnormally wide-veined leg associated with varicose veins. 

8. Avoid sudden changes of body position 

Sit or stand suddenly can cause dizziness, or even fainting in people with low blood pressure. This happens because the heart can not pump enough blood throughout the body quickly to adjust for sudden changes in position or altitude.

9. Avoid standing too long 

Standing upright or long standing position to make blood pressure becomes lower. This happens because the heart has to pump more extra to reach the altitude. 

Some people who experience orthostatic hypotension, will immediately feel the impact. The reason, long standing will make them decrease sistol blood pressure as much as 20 mmHg and diastole 10 mmHg compared with blood pressure when sitting or lying down. 

Therefore, for symptomatic low blood owners, they should reduce long standing activity. 

10. Treatment in hospital 

If blood pressure decreases and symptoms so severe, even the sufferer to faint, then the hospital treatment is the most appropriate solution. Patients will be given infusion to increase fluid intake as well as drugs that can increase blood pressure. 


Low blood pressure is only considered a problem if it causes symptoms. If there are no symptoms, low blood pressure should be regarded as a sign of good health. Thus, when the tension results are low, it is important to look at each of the accompanying symptoms and then take action to raise the blood pressure as above.