Recognize Early HIV Symptoms Before Becoming AIDS

Recognize Early HIV Symptoms Before Becoming AIDS
Someone who is infected HIV will not necessarily have AIDS if he knew the symptoms early on and immediately do the treatment. So, what are the early symptoms of HIV that can be recognized? Here's the full explanation. 

A variety of early HIV-recognizable 

HIV symptoms are a type of virus that attacks the human immune system, especially CD-4 cells. This virus is most often transmitted through sexual contact (both vaginal and anal) and sharing a syringe with someone who has been infected previously. 

HIV infection itself is divided into three stages, namely the initial stage is also called acute infection, the second stage or asymptomatic latent period / clinical and the final stage known as AIDS (acquired immuno deficiency syndrome). 

Recognize Early HIV Symptoms Before Becoming AIDS

Although no drug has been found to cure, there is now a treatment that is capable of inhibiting HIV replication in the body. the suferer can live and do normal activities like a healthy person through antiretroviral therapy (ART). 

However, such treatment is only effective when the infection is detected early on. Therefore, suspect if you notice some of the early symptoms of HIV as will be explained below, be sure to check and immediately take treatment if the results are positive. 

Here are early HIV symptoms that you should be aware of: 

1. Fever 

In the early stages of HIV or also called retroviral syndrome, sufferers often experience fever accompanied by other symptoms such as fatigue, swollen lymph nodes and sore throat. 

This condition occurs because in the early stages, the HIV virus began to move into the bloodstream and replicate in large numbers, thus triggering the body's natural response to fever and other mild symptoms. 

2. Sore Throat and Dry Cough 

Sore throat and dry cough that indicate the presence of HIV can last for weeks to months. Quite difficult to cure even if the sufferer has been using antibiotics and inhaler. 

Read: 8 Causes of sore throat and Tips to overcome them. 

3. Fatigue and Headaches 

Inflammatory responses generated by the body's immune system to fight the HIV virus attacks can cause sufferers to feel lethargic and tired. Walk with shoulders drooping and out of breath. Not infrequently accompanied by a headache. 

4. Lymph Nodes Swelling, Muscle Pain and Joint 

Lymph nodes are part of the immune system that helps get rid of bacteria and viruses from the body. When an infection occurs, the lymph nodes will swell - especially in the armpits, groin and neck are not infrequently accompanied by muscle pain as well as joints. 

Read: Swollen Lymph Nodes: Causes and Treatment 

5. Rashes on the Skin 

The presence of rash on the skin to be one of the most early symptoms of HIV experienced by sufferers. The emergence of a rash due to HIV is usually accompanied by high fever, fatigue and sore throat. 

The rash is maculopapular, meaning it will be in the form of a red nodule or small bumps, almost similar to acne. Can appear throughout the body or restricted to one area just like in the chest. 

6. Nausea, Vomiting and Diarrhea 

Many people have digestive system problems as part of the early symptoms of HIV. Moreover, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may also appear at later stages of infection, due to opportunistic infections. 

It is important to stay hydrated if you experience any of these symptoms. Unrelenting and unresponsive diarrhea may be an indication of HIV. 

7. Mouth Injuries 

The appearance of injury or mouth ulcers may be an early symptom or clinical manifestation in HIV patients. This condition occurs due to viruses as well as secondary infections that have affected the oral mucosa. 

Usually characterized by sprue in the corner of the lips or white spots on the tongue or the base of the mouth that is difficult to cure with bad breath is quite stinging. 

8. Night Sweats 

Many HIV sufferers admitted often experience symptoms of excessive sweating at night. It usually starts in the head, then spreads all over the body. This condition is not related to the temperature of the room or the activity that do, but it just happens without a clear cause. 

With such a wide range of early HIV symptoms resembling other infections in general, it is important to test HIV as early as possible when you feel at risk. 

For accurate results, HIV testing usually takes place at week 4 after exposure. More complete please read: Understanding the Incubation Period of HIV AIDS and Window Period.