How To Get Rid Of Acne Pock Marks ( Acne Scars )

How To Get Rid Of Acne Pock Marks ( Acne Scars )
Not only the acne it self, but the scars can also damage the appearance and make us so inferior. Therefore, we need to equip ourselves with the knowledge of how to remove the pockmarked or acne scars so that whenever the acne arrives, we are ready to prevent it from causing scars. 

When the acne disappears from the face, it usually will cause scars with various shapes. There are acne that leaves black stains, but some are actually damaging the smooth structure of our facial skin. If acne scars cause facial skin becomes uneven due to formed basins, then that's called pockmarked. 

How To Get Rid Of Acne Pock Marks ( Acne Scars )

Read also: Know the Types of Acne With Treatment 

Why can it be pock marked ? 

Usually pock marked or acne scars arise due to several things such as: 

1. The use of makeup material that does not fit on the skin. 

Products like moisturizer or makeup can also make acne worse. If you still want to wear, then apply a thin course, and avoid its use in areas that are inflamed or acne. Because if the acne gets worse so that the bottom layer of the dermis skin, then it can also damage the skin tissue as well. This is what usually makes the face a hole / pockmarked. 

someone who have oily skin types should not use moisturizer anymore. And it's good you choose powder rather than compact because the texture of matte products will only block the pores so that facial skin hard to breathe.  

2. Likes to hold or squeeze pimples. 

Other causes that we often do without realizing that is holding or squeezing pimples with hands or nails that condition is less clean. Then if the hands and nails are clean, can we keep pressing the pimple? The answer is no. You need to understand that the bad habit of holding or squeezing pimples will only make it heal longer. 

3. Not immediately treat the acne that arises. 

Those who let the acne it self can also make the inflammation worse. If the skin is continually left inflamed, then the deepest layer can be damaged. 

4. Low levels of collagen in the skin 

Acne scars are also caused due to the lack of collagen in the area when acne gradually improves. The lack of collagen makes the skin tissue insufficient to cover the inflamed skin area so as to make the appearance when healed into concave. 

5. Genetic factors 

Perhaps many of you who know that the pockmarked wounds due to acne was also can be triggered by hereditary factors. 

6. Frequent facial 

Unfortunately, when acne comes, we often take the wrong treatment step, one of which is with facials. Yet as previously described, the act of squeezing a forced acne can make the skin more inflamed. Acne may disappear afterwards, but it is at risk of leaving a new wound is pockmarked. 

7. The face is rarely cleaned properly 

Apparently cleansing the face with soap alone is not enough. You should also do scrubbing at least once a week to erode the pile of dead skin cells. Dead skin cells that are left buried in the face can be a convenient nest for germs and bacteria that cause acne. 

So, How to rid pock marks or acne scars? 

Pock marks or commonly referred to as atrophic can be treated with various methods of treatment, ranging from cheap to expensive.You can also use natural ingredients to overcome them, but this usually takes a lot longer. Methods to remove proven pockmarks are by: 

1. Topical treatment 

The main purpose of this method is to stimulate the production of collagen in the skin. If the level of collagen is enough, then the acne scarred wound can be cured perfectly and flat. 

2. Microdermabrasion 

Another method is microdermabrasion or by scraping the skin around the wound pock marked subtly. After hardened or unhealthy skin is eroded, it is expected to grow new skin cells to make it healthier and smoother. In this procedure exfoliation or exfoliation uses micro crystals. 

3. Laser 

Using lasers to remove pock marks is very effective. Surely this method is faster than before, but also requires a lot of money. 

4. Chemical Peeling 

It is a skin care method that is done with chemical peeling techniques. The goal is to refine and refine skin texture, similar to microdermabrasion. 

If other than pock marked, there are other types of acne scars, then follow these tips: Removing Stubborn Acne

Apply Healthy Lifestyle 

Besides some of the methods above, you can also live a healthy lifestyle so that efforts to eliminate pockmarks become faster. Health lifestyle changing that meant are :

# Do more exercise 

In passing, it seems there is no relationship between exercise by removing pockmarks or other acne scars. But regular exercise can make the body sweat because the pores of the skin so open. That way, the dirt that accumulates in the pores can also be swept away from the skin. Blood flow becomes smooth so that the skin becomes more healthy and quickly renew themselves. 

# Drink much mineral water 

White water is necessary if you want to keep skin hydrated and healthy. Besides undergoing treatment to remove the pockmarked you also have to drink a lot for faster success. 

# Wear the mask of the mouth / nose 

There are so many invisible pollutants around us ranging from smoke, dirty air, dust, and so on. To speed healing acne, pockmarked, and maintain skin health, you should always wear a sterile mask every time out of the house. 

# Do not eat indiscriminately 

What we eat a little bit helped determine how long acne and scars quickly healed. If the skin is in the recovery phase, you should avoid foods laden with oil, fat, and a spicy flavor. Instead, choose foods rich in antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables that can nourish the skin as well. 

# Enough sleep 

Rest enough gives a long chance for skin to regenerate cells. If cell renewal runs smoothly, then the skin can be regenerated quickly too. 

Those are some ways to remove pockmarks of acne scars that we can convey. Good luck.