How To Get Rid Of Cold In A Day

How To Get Rid Of Cold In A Day
Nasal nose, sneezing, itching, and clogging are very uncomfortable. Work and daily activities can be hampered by it. So that this complaint does not drag the way to cure colds in a day that will be explained below.

Did you know, a cold is not a disease that stands alone. But one of the symptoms of various diseases, such as common cold (cold), influenza, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, and others. Some of them have different disease and handling trips to get rid of.

Well, tips or the way to get rid of colds in a day aims to repel problems related to colds, such as runny nose, itching, sneezing, nasal congestion, as well as headaches and fever. The goal is that the cold does not interfere with your daily activities. The total recovery will depend on the cause.

Here are 7 simple ways to cure a cold in a day that you can do at home:

1. Drink plenty of fluids

A lot of drinking will meet the needs of body fluids that are being increased when a person catches a cold, especially those caused by influenza and common cold.

Many drinks also help to resolve mucus, either in the form of sputum or snot so it will be easier to remove and not to clog the nose.

Various types of beverages may be consumed, such as water, fruit juice, warm tea, and ginger water. However, beverages that cause excessive body excess water should be avoided, such as coffee (caffeine) and alcoholic beverages.

Read: Best Cold Treatment

2. Hot tea

On the other hand, hot drinks like tea are usually more useful than cold ones. This is because heat and steam, will help open the airway so it can relieve nasal congestion.

In order not too much caffeine content, just boiled tea a little. Add lemon juice and honey while warm, as both contain anti-inflammatory elements to relieve inflammation as well as natural antimicrobial to ward off infection.

3. Steam Therapy

Inhalation of hot steam has been shown to help treat colds quickly. A 2015 study of people with the common cold proves that inhaling steam is effective enough to heal quickly.

In addition to inhaling steam from a cup of hot tea, you can also steam the face on hot water. Here's the ways:

1. Heat the clean water in a clean pot on the stove. Heat enough to form steam - DO NOT let it boil so it will not overheat.

2. Add peppermint or eucalyptus oil to taste if necessary.

3. Place the face on top of steam for 20-30 minutes each time. Take a deep breath through your nose. Rest if it feels too hot on your face.

4. For more steam to be inhaled, cover the top of the head with a cloth or towel.

How To Get Rid Of Cold In A Day

Overcome the nasal congestion with steam hot water

You will feel the relief on the nose and the grace becomes more watery. At that time you can remove the snot with 'sides' alternately right and left. Cover one of the nostrils in turn.

Read: How To Eliminate Your Clogged Nose Easily Without Having To Go to a Doctor

4. Neti pot

Using a neti pot for nasal irrigation (nasal washing) can also overcome a watery and uncomfortable nose problem. Neti pot is a small container like a teapot with a small estuary at the end.

You can fill it with a salt or salt water solution into it and then use it to irrigate a cold nose. Stream one of the nasal cavity, then the liquid will come out of other nostrils.

How To Get Rid Of Cold In A Day
Be sure to use sterile water and aquades instead of well water or tap.

5. Eat spicy food

Spicy foods can make the runny nose worse. However, if you also experience symptoms of nasal congestion, eating spicy foods will help to relieve them.

The reason, capsaicin, a substance that makes chilli spicy has the effect of thinning mucus and decongestant effect that can loosen the nasal passages. So it's no wonder the snot becomes melted, and then it's the right time to get it out.

Regarding the type of food, the best is spicy and food. For example, meatball, soup, or chicken soup. By eating these foods we can cure colds in a day, because some of the advantages we get, such as spicy, hot steam, and fluid that all support.

Watch Out! For those who have ulcer disease and other gastrointestinal diseases is not recommended to eat spicy food.

6. Acupressure

The next way to cure a cold quickly is to use acupressure techniques. In acupressure, there are several points on the body that are pressed with the fingers for several minutes and repeated until the healing effect is felt.

The pacts claim that this technique can cure a very brief cold, even less than 5 minutes. Here are the acupressure points to cure colds:

How To Get Rid Of Cold In A Day

Also check out the following videos:

7. Drugs

If the above ways are considered not enough help, then the last stance to cure colds in a day is with drugs. There are a lot of cold medicines available in pharmacies or drugstores. You are also required to be careful in choosing it.

Adjust the cold medication you want to take with your current condition:

  • If only colds, nasal congestion, and itching, then use a combination of drugs containing antihistamines and decongestants alone. Eg Rhinos.
  • If the cold is accompanied by fever and headache, then use a combination of cold medicine without cough, such as Molexflu, Demacolin, etc ..
  • If the cold is accompanied by fever and cough, then use a cold and cough medicine combination, such as Alpara, Hufagripp, etc ..
Remember! The above is a powerful way to cope with colds quickly, but the symptoms are addressed. So if today succeeds to abate, then it may appear again as long as the underlying illness has not healed.

As for to cure of the causes of its colds, it took time as the course of the prevailing disease. For example, for influenza it may take several days to 2 weeks, for allergies to recur, when you are exposed to allergens.

Those are some easy tips to cure colds in a day, good luck and always healthy happy.