Dangers of Junk Food For Pregnant and Fetuses ( pregnancy food not to eat )

Dangers of Junk Food For Pregnant and Fetuses ( pregnancy food not to eat )
Beside it has a delicious flavor when eaten, junk food is also easy to obtain. Just select, pay, and eat. But most of mothers must know that this 'junk food' is not good for pregnancy. 

When pregnant, both mother and fetus need a lot of nutrition in order to stay healthy. The development of the brain, bone, organs, and immune system of fetus's body, it is also highly depended by the nutrients that is received. 

Unfortunately junk food does not has the nutrients that is meant. The stomach is usually also full after eating so there is no place to accommodate other healthy foods such as fruit or vegetables. 
Dangers of Junk Food For Pregnant and Fetuses ( pregnancy food not to eat )
Junk food is a term for low nutritious foods, but is generally high in calories (fat - sugar) and salt. For example: canned food, chips, crackers, processed fries, packaged snacks, and so forth. 

What Kind of Danger The Junk Food For Pregnant ?

Okay, most of mothers already know that should "no to junk food" during pregnancy. But actually, what is the danger of eating junk food for pregnant ? Here are some of them. 

1. Making your little baby hooked with fatty food later on

The results of published studies Frontiers in Endocrinology mentions that what is eaten by the mother affects the appetite of the baby in the future. Studies conducted on pregnant mouse objects revealed when the mother was given a high-fat diet then his son tends to be fat and hooked the same type of food. In contrast, a mouse child whose mother was given healthy food when pregnant - was found not too 'thirsty' for junk food. 

2. Increasing the risk of allergies 

The next danger of  junk food for pregnant is increasing the risk of allergies. The content of sugar inside it pretty much and it food has the potential to trigger allergies and asthma. 

The results of a study published by the European Respiratory Journal noted that mothers who prefer sugar substitutes while pregnant, then their child will tend to suffer from allergies and asthma at the age of 7-9 years. Sugar substitutes here for example are like sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, fruit juice, or honey. 

3. Most likely the baby was born abnormal genetically

The results of research conducted on pregnant mice found the consumption of foods laden with fat or sugar causes weak sensitivity of peripheral insulin in mitochondria. This effect even remained until the third lineage later.

4. Make children 'thirst' acrylamide 

Foods such as fries, bread, potato chips, etc., the content of starch is too much. This food is usually roasted or fried with high temperature so that the starch substance was turned into a chemical called acrylamide. 

Studies have shown that high levels of acrylamide may trigger a baby born with small head circumference and lower weight. 

5. Excessive weight triggers 

Too much junk food consumption during pregnancy automatically triggers excess weight. This makes mothers and babies prone to experience various complications such as: 

  • Preeclampsia 
  • Bigborn baby 
  • Premature labor 
  • Gestational diabetes 
  • Apnea sleep 
  • Increased risk of birth defects 
  • Baby miscarriage 

6. Does not contain any nutrients 

Junk food completely contains only sugar, salt, fat, and cholesterol - which should all be avoided during pregnancy. In other words, there is no good benefit when eating junk food while pregnant.

7. Able to trigger indigestion 

The next danger of junk food for pregnant is to be able to trigger stomach disorders such as bloating, swelling, to abdominal pain. In addition, junk food is also minimal fiber is good for digestive health and overcome constipation. 

8. Increase the risk of gestational diabetes 

The danger of junk food for pregnant this one certainly should not be underestimated. Studies have shown that high levels of sugar and calories in these foods can increase the risk of gestational diabetes. 

Read: Food Challenge Pregnant Mother 

How to Avoid Junk Food 

Now we already know what are the dangers of  junk food for pregnant. But how to control the desire to eat it? 

1. Do not eat 

Easy, the first trick is not to touch the 'junk food'. Once you succeed in doing so, the desire to eat will disappear by itself later. 

2. Buy healthy snacks 

Instead of spending money to buy junk food, better fill kitchen cabinets with a healthy snack. Choose the baked instead of fried. Another alternative is to make your own healthy snacks that are free of preservatives and other harmful additives. 

3. Snacking on fruits and nuts 

Whenever the stomach feels hungry, immediately grab a peanut or fruit (fresh or dried - choose that does not contain added sugar). This type of food not only make full but also can nourish the body. 

Read: 7 Kinds of Highly Recommended Fruits for Pregnant Young Mothers 

4. Determine what kind of appetite the mother wants to have in the child later 

As mentioned earlier, what the mother eat will determine the appetite of the baby in the future. So if mother wants children like fish or vegetables for example, then eat it too. 

Mother can also record alternate substitute foods that are roughly healthier, for example: 
  • Potato chips replaced with dried seaweed 
  • Cakes and sweets replaced bananas, apples, or other fruit (may be added butter or chocolate melt) 
  • Ice cream replaced with fruit or ice yogurt homemade cream (from banana for example) 

5. When eating outdoors . . .

It is easier to control what is eaten when at home rather than outdoors. Therefore, apply some of the following tips : 

  • Choose chicken / roast only, rather than fried ones. 
  • Do not forget to order salad fruit and vegetables, dressing should be separate. 
  • Choose a low-fat meat section like chicken breast. 
  • Order low-fat milk for the drink. 
  • Compared to white rice or noodles, choose brown / brown rice or whole grain pasta. 
  • As a dessert, a cup of fresh fruit is healthier. 
Actually eating a little chocolate or 1 slice of pizza will not harm your baby. Just do not let it over. Enjoy it only on certain occasions. Remember that there is a danger of peering behind the delicious-looking junk food. Wish you good health always!