7 Natural HPV Treatment (Natural Ways to get Rid of Warts )

7 Natural HPV Treatment (Natural Ways to get Rid of Warts )
Genital warts may be one of the 'diseases' that make the sufferer shame to discuss it. And not a few people who have it. Anyone would want to get rid of the disease, won’t it? Fortunately there are many ways to treat genital warts.

According to the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, genital warts are not a rare disease. In America, nearly 1 million new genital warts cases are diagnosed each year. While in Indonesia there is no exact number, but based on data from polyclinic sexually transmitted infections RSCM Jakarta, genital warts are ranked first in new cases of sexually transmitted infections (2008-2011). Increased quite rapidly compared to previous years.

That's just data from patients who checked themselves, it’s not include yet to those who suffer of wart but they shame to admit it. It is true that every person with genital warts is advised to check himself immediately to the doctor, but if the suffer is shame, then maybe can be tried at home how to treat genital warts naturally.

If you also have a wart problem in the neck, read this: 9 Easy Ways to Eliminate Warts on the Neck Effectively and Safely

Fact: genital warts are caused by HPV (Human Papollomavirus). Of the approximately 120 HPV types, types 6 and 11 are the ones that usually cause genital warts. Although it may cause warts in the organs of intimacy, but these types of HPV generally do not trigger cervical cancer.
Natural way to treat genital warts at home ( HPV Threatment )

1. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is indeed one of the essential oils that are useful for fighting fungi and other organisms, including hair lice. In addition, Mayo Clinic also noted that the oil is potent to overcome genital warts.

Because some people are allergic to tea tree oil, you should do a test in the arm first. If there is no reaction after 24 hours, then that means you are not allergic to it.

Now, to treat genital warts, you just mix 1 drop of tea tree oil with 1-2 drops of carrier oil like coconut oil for example, then apply it directly to the wart. After applied, tea tree oil may cause a burning sensation or even inflammation, but that's how this oil works to shrink the size of the warts.

And although want to heal quickly, never enter the tea tree oil into the vagina or consume it. Keep applying the oil mixture several times a week, but stop using it if the irritation is severe.

2. Green tea

Green tea is also effective for treating genital warts. No wonder that this material is in the ointment of sinacatechins which can only be obtained by prescription. Besides asking for a prescription to the doctor, you can also buy green tea extract at the pharmacy. After mixing 1-2 drops of coconut oil inide it, immediately apply it to the wart.

3. Garlic

Some scientific evidence found that applying garlic extract to warts can help cure it. You can simply buy garlic extract at a pharmacy or soak a thin cloth onto mixture of onions and oil, then apply it to the warts.

4. Apple vinegar

Because the nature of the acid can kill the virus, then do not hesitate to dip the cotton ball into apple vinegar, then apply it to genital warts.

In addition, apple vinegar can 'burn' and slowly destroy infected skin, causing warts, similar to how salicylic acid works. As explained here: The Efficacy of Apple Vinegar In Removing Warts

But it should be noted that the acidic nature can sometimes burn the skin so it needs to be diluted with water. It is safer to consult a doctor first.

5. Vegetables

Consume vegetables with crispy textured such as cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower can also help cure genital warts. The reason is because these vegetables contain I3C (Indole-3-carbinol) which can help remove genital warts. Therefore, the sufferer is recommended to eat 4-5 servings of vegetables each day.

6. Folate and B12

There is a link between folate deficiency and B12 with an increased risk of HPV exposure. Therefore, to prevent HPV infection and also remove genital warts whis is caused by it, consume multivitamins or folate supplements and B12 regularly.

7. Lifestyle is also decisive When the intimate organ is overgrown with warts, then a little it would make uncomfortable. Well so that this disorder quickly disappear, then live a healthy lifestyle. Avoid cigarettes! Reduce consumption of unhealthy foods, saturated fat, which contains stimulants, and potentially cause allergies. Instead multiply the following food consumption:

 Sources of antioxidants such as blueberries, cherries, tomatoes, peppers
 Green leafy vegetables (spinach)
 Whole grain
 Almond
 Grains
 Lean meats

All these foods can help boost the immune system and minimize the recurrence of infection which caused by HPV.
Although the ways to treat genital warts above comes from a variety of valid sources, but there is no guarantee of results. Especially the condition of warts and endurance among different people.
If the ways to treat genital warts that were delivered did not work well, then, it is the time for you to check to the doctor. And even if the warts get lost, that does not mean you're not infected.
In rare cases, HPV can cause genital warts as well as cervical cancer. This occurs when more than one type of HPV infects the body. Moreover, sometimes the virus can settle in the body without causing symptoms for long periods, then even though the warts are healed now, but it can recur again.
Therefore for a complete treatment, you should still check with your doctor. Perhaps infectious diseases that cause genital warts. If this is true, then additional treatment usually needs to be done so its not infect to partner.