7 Natural Ulcers treatment

7 Natural Ulcers treatment
Anyone who suffers ulcers, they will feel pain and discomfort. If you have this, inevitably have to wait until the boil is ripe and ruptured pus, then the healing will arrive. However, we should not surrender just like that, because there is a natural boil medicine that can make boils quickly mature and accelerate healing. 

Please note that ulcers arise due to bacterial infection occurs in hair follicles (roots). If not treated immediately, boils can grow to the size of a tennis ball, and the area around the skin is usually also red and painful when touched. 

Ulcers often appear on the face, neck, armpits, and buttocks, because this area is often experienced friction or scratches that make germs or bacteria more easily enter. 

7 Natural Ulcers treatment

The natural treatment below is perfect for newly grown or immature boils. The goal is that the boils are not too big, quickly ripe, or may disappear without the process of maturation. Here's a potent natural boil drug that proves to accelerate healing: 

1. Hot compress 

Hot temperatures can increase blood circulation in the area of the boils so that more white blood cells and antibodies that flow there to fight infection. Therefore, the first ultimate drug to try is to put a warm compress on the boil. 

Here is the way, you can provide warm water wrapped in plastic or make a towel warm water compress. Preferably the temperature is kept neither too hot nor cold. Apply on boils for 20 minutes 3-4 times each day. 

Read more here: How to Treat Boils at Home, Effective and Safe 

2. Tea tree oil 

This oil is not only powerful acne, but also ulcers. All that thanks to the antibacterial and antiseptic content that can treat bacterial infections that cause ulcers. 

However, in practice, natural remedy drug this one should not be applied directly to the skin because it can make it burn. The right way is to mix 5 drops of tea tree oil with 1 tsp coconut oil or olive oil. Dip the cotton into the mixture and apply it to the area of the boils 2-3 times each day. 

3. Turmeric powder 

Because turmeric powder is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, hence this spice can also be used as an ulcer medicine. There are various ways in using turmeric as a natural ulcer, for example by: 
  •  Consume - simmer 1 teaspoon turmeric powder with water or milk, then after warm, drink as much as 3 times a day. 
  • Apply it - mix turmeric powder with water and / or ginger powder to form a paste. Apply the paste to the boil at least 2 times a day.
  • Eat and rub it

4. Epsom Salt 

Not only can make the body relaxed when mixed with bath water, Epsom salt is also potent to overcome ulcers. The reason is because this salt can help drain the pus in boils.

To use it, just dissolve the epsom salt into warm water, then wet the towel with the solution. Use the towel to compress the boil area for 20 minutes at a time. Perform at least 3 times daily until the ulcers are healed.

5. Castor Oil

Castor oil contains a component called anti-inflammatory risinolet acid. Because the oil of the caster itself is also antibacterial, then this natural material is suitable for overcome ulcers. 

You simply apply a little castor oil to the ulcer area, at least 3 times each day until the condition improves. Easy isn't it ?! 

6. Neem oil 

Neem oil is an antiseptic, antibacterial, and antimicrobial ingredient can also be found in neem oil. No wonder that this oil is often used to treat various skin infections such as acne or ulcers. 

How to use it is not difficult. Just apply the oil directly to the skin affected by ulcers as much as 3-4 times each day. Be sure to wash your hands before and after doing them. 

7. Antibiotic ointment 

This is not a natural boil medicine, but man-made manufacturer that can be purchased at the nearest drug store (read: drug boils in pharmacies). Besides being able to heal ulcers quickly, ointments such as Neosporin can prevent the spread of infection. Simply apply ointment at least 2 times a day until the ulcers are gone. 

Now you already know, or even have tried the various natural ulcers mentioned just now. But it turns out ulcers still stubborn and do not want to disappear. 

If this happens, it is time to go to the doctor. You should check this skin infection immediately, especially if you experience some of the following conditions: 

  • The ulcers continue to enlarge even with natural remedies. 
  • The ulcers are not reduced or disappear after being treated for 1 week.
  • It's about the size of a ping-pong ball.
  • The skin in the area is bright red.
  • The painful sensation was unbearable.
  • There are other bumps that appear around the ulcers.
  • The ulcer relapsed more than once in a few months.
  • You also have diabetes. 
 Do not delay anymore! Check your doctor immediately if you experience any of the above symptoms.

What to do when boils mature or out of pus? 

Although it looks adorable, when the boils are ripe (many pus), it's good you do not squeeze or force out pus. Because if the wrong way, it can infect the area nearby or make the infection go deeper into the skin so that trigger a severe infection or the occurrence of other ulcers.

In order for pus to come out completely, ask for expert help. And then the doctor will make a small incision in boil and use sterile cotton to absorb and remove the pus. This process must be done carefully and in a sterile state.