11 Fruits Not Allowed to Eat While Pregnant

11 Fruits Not Allowed to Eat While Pregnant
When pregnant, the mother is advised to consume lots of nutritious food, and one of the sources of food in question is the fruits. But the fact is, not all fruits are good for pregnant women. For that to know various types of fruit that can not be eaten by pregnant women. 

There are a number of reasons why some fruits should not be eaten by pregnant women, such as causing uterine contractions and even miscarriages, digestive disorders such as stomach pain, bloating, or constipation (hard bowel). Some of these fruits should be avoided and some need only be limited. 

Here is a list of types of fruit that can not be eaten by pregnant women: 

1. Pineapple 

11 Fruits Not Allowed to Eat While Pregnant
Some pregnant women believe that drinking pineapple juice can facilitate the process of childbirth. This may be true, given the bromelain in the pineapple can soften the cervix or the birth canal. Bromelain is found to trigger the opening and contraction of the uterus. 

But not many know that this fruit can actually cause a miscarriage when consumed in the first trimester of pregnancy. The reason is the same, yes because of the effect of bromelain on the uterus earlier. 

Therefore, in the first trimester of pregnancy or early pregnancy, the mother is not advised to consume pineapple. After that period, it does not matter if the mother wants to eat a little pineapple because the fruit is also nutrient-rich. Just keep it not most or too often. 

Related to this, there is a more complete explanation here: Eat Pineapple When Pregnant, Safe or Dangerous? 

2. Raw papaya 

11 Fruits Not Allowed to Eat While Pregnant
The raw papaya generally contains a variety of enzymes that can trigger uterine contractions and soften the birth canal. This causes the fetus to be born prematurely, or miscarried. Therefore, do not ever consume papaya that still raw ya bun ?! 

Choose only the rich, mature papaya benefits, such as launching a bowel movement and the source of various important nutrients. 

3. Raw bananas 

11 Fruits Not Allowed to Eat While Pregnant
During this banana is one of the mandatory fruits of pregnant women. That's true, if the banana is ripe. 

Another case with the bananas are still raw. Raw banana becomes a fruit that can not be eaten pregnant women, because many contain resistant starch, which is difficult to digest the body. In addition, raw bananas are also more tannin content, the content that can slow the process of food movement in the intestine. 

So, if the mother is pregnant to eat raw bananas, then the risk she has constipation so much higher. 

4. Lychee 

11 Fruits Not Allowed to Eat While Pregnant
The freshness of lychee seems unlikely to be enjoyed by pregnant women because this fruit is 'hot'. If the pregnancy alone has made the body overheat, then consuming lychees will worsen the condition. Not only have an impact on the fetus, the mother can experience abdominal pain to bleeding that triggers a miscarriage. 

However, the adverse effects of consuming this fruit during pregnancy, is certainly influenced by the amount of consumption. So if the mother can not hold it, then why not taste one or two pieces in a day. 

5. Potatoes germinate 

11 Fruits Not Allowed to Eat While Pregnant
If the mother finds that the stock of potato in the kitchen sprouts (germinate), then you should not be consumed. This one food is actually not only harmful to pregnant women, but also everyone. 

The reason, because potatoes germinate contain toxins that are harmful to health, namely Solanin. This component can inhibit fetal growth and increase the risk of miscarriage. So to be safe, please avoid all foods containing potatoes. 

6. Wild apples 

11 Fruits Not Allowed to Eat While Pregnant
If on the streets, the mother finds a wild apple tree, do not hastily pick and then eat it. Wild apples that usually taste sour, bitter, and sweet at first glance seem suitable to relieve morning sickness. 

But who would have thought that this fruit can make the uterus churn and contract, which can cause a miscarriage or a baby born prematurely. 


7. Peach 

11 Fruits Not Allowed to Eat While Pregnant
Although sweet, but peaches are also 'hot'. Too much consumption can cause pregnant women at risk of bleeding. 

In addition, peat-skinned hair can also make itchy and burning throat. 

Therefore, this fruit is included in the list of fruits that can not be eaten pregnant women because the risk of causing a miscarriage. Although some sources still allow pregnant women to consume them in small amounts. 

8. Persimmon 

11 Fruits Not Allowed to Eat While Pregnant
Not for pregnant women, for normal people only, persimmon can cause constipation. The cause is because persimmon contains high levels of tannin. 

So pregnant women who are currently suffering from constipation, it is better to stay away from this one fruit and overcome with: How to Safely Overcome difficult CHAPTER When Pregnant Without Drugs

9. Durian 

11 Fruits Not Allowed to Eat While Pregnant
Pregnant women who are fond of durian do have to learn restraint. This fruit is not supposed to be eaten pregnant women, just need to be limited consumption. It is associated with alcohol and arachidonic acid that can increase contractions and premature birth. 

To relieve cravings, it is not a matter of consuming a durian of two or three seeds a day (not 2 or 3 fruits yes). 


10. Jackfruit 

11 Fruits Not Allowed to Eat While Pregnant
Not much different from some fruit mentioned earlier, jackfruit is also 'hot'. Not infrequently pregnant women's stomach so feel hot after eating this one fruit. 

However, this fruit is not absolutely to be avoided. Mother who had tried it during pregnancy and turned out fine, then why not continue. Provided it is limited in number. 

Another case for mothers who have stomach problems or bloating, then eat fruit this one should not. If anyone thinks that jackfruit can not be eaten by pregnant women for causing a miscarriage, then this is a myth! 

11. All fruit that is not washed clean 

Although almost all fruits (except those mentioned above) are healthy for pregnant women, but if not washed, then it is still not recommended for pregnant women. The reason is simple, unwashed fruit is prone to contain pesticides and harmful bacteria that can trigger a miscarriage or defect in infants. 

So that was the list of fruits not to be consumed by pregnant women. Hopefully the reviews this time add to our insight!