8 Causes of Late Menstruation and How to Overcome them

8 Causes of Late Menstruation and How to Overcome them
"Ouch... I wonder, there is something wrong with my womb." 

"Oh, about when the blood came out, should I have to use pantyliner anytime."

 "Really pregnant ?!" 

Complaints about late coming months must be familiar to women who regular menstrual cycle, or who are trying to have children. Yes, late menses indeed make curious as well as hope-please anxious. 

But the fact is, not just pregnancy that makes late coming months. There are still other causes of late menstruation that also need to be considered. What are they? Let's look together .. 

8 Causes of Late Menstruation and How to Overcome them

1. Pregnancy 

Just because you have and always use contraception, does not mean that pregnancy is not possible. In fact, you can still get pregnant even if the contraceptive device is used properly. Remember, there is no single contraceptive that is 100% able to prevent pregnancy. 

Therefore, women who are sexually active and are late for the coming months should preferably have a pregnancy test. Do not let you get pregnant but not know it. If the test result is negative and menses have not arrived yet, please check with your doctor immediately. 

2. Stress 

The prolonged stress has a significant impact on the coming cycle of the moon. Stress can make mens cycles longer, shorter, or even stop altogether. In some women, stress also makes menstrual cramps feel more painful. 

To overcome the cause of late menstruation this one, of course must overcome the source of stress first. In addition to away from the causes of stress, another way is to exercise regularly, sleep enough, relaxation, or yoga. Nothing wrong with going to the doctor or counselor if some ways to cope with stress had not succeeded. 

  • 18 Stress Relief Meals 
  • Powerful Ways to Eliminate Stress

3. Perimenopause 

Before menopause which usually occurs at the age of 52 years, you usually experience perimenopause first. Facts on the ground mention the symptoms of perimenopause can be experienced even 10-15 years before menopause. This means that at the age of 37-42 years, the hormone estrogen can start to fluctuate. 

Unstable estrogen levels are what cause women perimenopausal age is late or not menstruating at all. If your period does not come for 12 consecutive months or a full year, that means you are in menopause. 

4. Weight loss dramatically 

Reduced weight significantly, or intense exercise can also be a reason late menses. The reason is because the condition of underweight (too thin) can reduce the production of hormones responsible in the process of ovulation and menstruation. The solution to this condition is to see a doctor, or consult a nutritionist to increase your weight. 

5. Obesity 

Just as the underweight effect on the menstrual cycle, so also the condition of overweight or obesity. In fact obesity and late coming months are often a symptom of certain diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). To be sure, doctors usually perform blood or ultrasound tests to observe the ovaries so that the cause of late arrival of the moon can be known. 

6. Contraceptives 

Some types of pregnancy control devices, especially those involving hormones, are able to make menstruation too late. In addition to containing a combination of estrogen and progesterone to be taken within a certain period of time, birth control pills usually also consist of a placebo (hormone without hormones) that must be consumed for several days. The absence of hormones received by the body during this period triggers the menstruation. 

Often, hormones in contraceptives such as pills, patches, injections, and implants - also make the lining of the uterine wall thin so that no menstrual blood needs to be removed. In general, the effects of these contraceptives are not harmful. But if you are worried, consult with your doctor. 

7. Hormone imbalance 

Some hormones such as prolactin or thyroid can cause late menstruation. This condition of hormonal imbalance can be easily detected through blood tests. 

Problems cause there are various, could be due to genetic factors to something very serious like a brain tumor for example. In most cases - if the cause is not a serious illness, taking medication may help the menstrual cycle return to normal.

 8. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) 

Causes of late menstruation of this one we had alluded to earlier. PCOS is one of the most common hormonal disorders among women of childbearing age. Although the symptoms can be different between women with one another, but the sufferers generally have abnormal levels of hormones. 

In addition to late or stop menses, these abnormalities often cause growth: 

  • Some small cysts in the ovaries 
  • Acne 
  • Excessive hair on the face and body 
  • Obesity 
  • Baldness 

If you experience any of the above symptoms, see your doctor immediately for proper diagnosis and treatment. Do not ignore this because if not treated properly, cessation of menstruation during childbearing age can trigger endometrial cancer. 

Lastly, you should also see a doctor immediately if you have: 
  • Not menses several times in a row 
  • Positive pregnancy test results 
  • Symptoms of PCOS 
  • Weight gain or decrease drastically 
  • Excessive stress.