8 signs of success fertilized ovulation (Early Signs of Pregnancy)

8 signs of success fertilized ovulation (Early Signs of Pregnancy)
For anyone or couples who are trying to get a baby, an appearance of a fertilized ovulation sign as a symptom of early pregnancy is certainly very much anticipated. The sign indicates that the fertilized egg implanted or planted in the uterus.

Every month, in the female reproductive organs occur ovulation (eggs from the ovaries) and this usually occurs 2 weeks before the first day of the next menstruation. When a woman is ovulating or is in her fertile period, she will generally experience the following conditions:

  • Mild pain on one side of the pelvis.
  • Breasts are painful or sensitive.
  • The stomach feels swollen or bloated.
  • Increased desire to make love. Whitish increases.
  • The texture of the vaginal fluid is more slippery (wet).
As described in detail here: 12 Characteristics of Fertile Period in Women

After ovulation occurs, unfertilized eggs will usually fall along with the lining of the uterine wall in the form of menstrual blood. Conversely, if the egg is successfully fertilized, then what happens next is the process of implantation (egg cells implant themselves in the uterine wall).

The process of self-fertilization can actually occur a day or a few days after intercourse. This is because sperm can survive up to 7 days in the female body. As for the implantation process, the new average occurs 10-14 days after conception.

The implantation process is what causes the emergence of various early pregnancy symptoms in some women - because there are also women who do not experience any symptoms. Here are some of the most commonly fertilized ovulation signs:

1. Implant bleeding

Implant bleeding is the most accurate fertilized ovulation sign. Unfortunately, only 1 in 3 women experience it. In fact, many women fail to realize that the bleeding they experience is due to implantation rather than menstrual blood.

Fortunately there is a difference between menstrual blood and implantation results. Menstrual blood is generally bright red, flows continuously, and sometimes contains clots. But other implantation blood again, the color tends to be pink or even brownish. The volume is not much and the release was not as intense as menstrual blood, just a blood spots.

In addition, blood implantation sometimes can get out, but sometimes can be not. More importantly, blood implantation does not contain lumps. Generally this blood comes out in a matter of hours up to a maximum of 4 days only.

More details read:
  • The characteristics of ticks pregnant’ signs and the difference with menstrual blood
  • When The Blood Spots Ass Sign Pregnant Appear?

2. Implantation cramps

The next fertilized ovulation sign which is also commonly experienced by some women is implantation cramps. This cramp is like menstrual pain, it's just lighter intensity so as not to interfere with daily activities.

In addition, average implantation cramps also appear briefly. Most of woman only feel this cramp for 5 minutes only (it different from menstrual cramps that tend to be longer and painful).

However, for those of you who experience severe cramps, it's good to check with your doctor to identify the cause.

3. Sensitive breasts

Immediately after implantation, the body of the expectant mother begins to change. These hormonal changes occur very quickly, and one symptom is a sensitive or painful breast.

Breasts can indeed start to hurt a few days after conception, but most actually experience it within 7 days after ovulation. If you do that, do a pregnancy test to make sure.

4. Increased basal body temperature

The high basal body temperature is also often used as a sign of fertilized ovulation. Therefore, who try to get pregnant should record the basal body temperature routinely every morning to know if there is a dramatic change. Generally, the cause of the rise in basal body temperature (37.4-37,5 ÂșC) it is due to high levels of progesterone in the body.

5. Changes in cervical fluid

It is normal for the vagina to secrete fluid, but its consistency, color, and volume change on average when you are pregnant. Generally cervical fluid of pregnant female will be white, more, and textured slick.

Increased cervical fluid volume is caused by increased blood flow to the vagina. This condition often causes maternity underwear more wet than usual.

6. Late menstruation

Late menstruation is certainly one of the most easily observed signs of pregnancy, especially if the menstrual cycle is always regular every month. Although,  there are other causes why menstruation can be late or stop altogether, such as drastic weight changes to excessive sports activities (usually on athletes).

But if this happens when you are trying to get pregnant, then there is a possibility you are being pregnant. So, do a pregnancy test after late menstruation because the results tend to be more accurate. Even if the result is negative, wait another week and retest.

7. Urination Frequently

Not as usual, lately you feel often dying to pee. Well, even this was one of the signs of ovulation successfully fertilized. Although not an early indicator of pregnancy, the increased frequency of urination experienced in the first few weeks is a sign that the body is undergoing a massive change.

Yes,  at this time the body is providing space for growth and development of the fetus. When the fetus begins to take shape - even if its size is just the size of a pea - it will suppress the bladder. This pressure is what makes pregnant women so frequent urination.

8. Changes of appetite 

Beside the increasing  appetite, the appetite of expectant mothers on average also changes. Formerly like meatballs, suddenly it become 'allergic' to this one favorite food. No other causes that make it happen, it caused the body is producing excess hormones and this is the 'twisting' sense of taste - making pregnant women like food that was once hated, and vice versa.

The sign of fertilized ovulation successfully, some time appears on average 7 days or more after ovulation ends. If a woman is still ovulating (fertile), there will be no such thing as a change in appetite.

Well, beside some signs of fertilized ovulation successfully earlier, other early signs of pregnancy also includes nausea, vomiting, headaches, until easily tired. Once again, if you experience it, immediately do a pregnancy test or consult a doctor.